Hi everybody! I was practicing for my MSP writing and my mom gave me this prompt. Then I came up with this story. At the comments below please tell me if my grade will be 1, 2, 3, or 4. ENJOY!
WARNING: This is a long long story....and another WARNING is that this story is fake.
One sunny bright Saturday morning, my mom called me from downstairs. "Get up honey bunny". I wondered why I had to get up if it was Saturday.
But anyways I woke up. I walked lazy to my closet to dress up. "What should I wear? Oh! I know! I could wear my new purple shirt. I loved that shirt because it fills me with great joy.
All of a sudden, it felt like something furry was in my closet. "Hmm?", I said while looking awfully confused.
"Ahh!", I screamed. Something jumped on me. I was getting really frightened and started to freak out. I carefully looked down. It was no harm but a little furry white bunny staring at me. It had big brown eyes that made her look soooooo cute.
Wait. Was it a "He?" or a "She?". I don't know. I am not a bunny expert. I gently bend down and whispered to the bunny, "How on earth did you get here little cotton ball?" I gently picked it up and put on my bed. "Hey! That's it! I could name you Cotton Ball!"
I heard footsteps coming to my room. "Uh oh! I don't think my mom should see you!" I quickly hid it under my bed, where my mom could not see it.
The doorknob turned, and the door opened. "Is everything OK in here?" asked my mom. I think she came up here because of the scream. "Everything is OK mom. But next time please read the sign on my door that says "KNOCK BEFORE COMING IN", in big purple letters
All of a sudden the bunny under the bed started to make noise! "What was that noise?", she asked in a mysterious voice. "Umm....Well....Uhh....I am practicing to make different noises....", I said it while I was trying to figure out what to say. "Well...keep practicing!", my mom suggested. Then she left the room....
"Whew", I wiped my head. "That was a close one." I picked up the bunny and petted it. I t was white as snow.
But then the door opened. "Hello", someone behind me was talking. I froze like a statue. While I was holding the bunny only my head moved. I moved it very slowly. And there was standing my sister, Kristina. She was in a face I have never seen before. Her face was so surprised. It's like she has never ever seen a bunny before. But she has seen one.
"I'm telling mom! I'm telling mom!". Then she ran off telling on me, to my mom. "READ THE SIGN!!!", I said yelling. Do people ever do that. In five minutes or so, both, my mom and Kristina came up to my room. "Let's see it", said my mother. "AWW!" everybody said that. "Can we please keep it?" pleased my sister Kristina. "Yeah" I said agreeing. My mom thought bunnies were very good animals so we kept it.
THE END......