Sunday, December 9, 2012

My fantasy world! I was thinking how my fantasy world would be like...........................................................................

 Homework, homework...well that never will exists in my world. You don't even need to go to school to learn because, the minute you were born you knew everything you are supposed to know. You have to go to school to make friends and TALK!

 In my fantasy world it was always LOVE and never HATE, and war never solved anything.

 In my fantasy world, every food you love, if it's ice cream or cookies, it will be perfectly healthy for you.

 Everyone would just hang out with each other and laugh all day long.

 In my fantasy world, if you needed money it would magically !POOF! in your hand.

Thanks for reading! Comment down below what you fantasy world would be like, and if you would like to live in MY world!


  1. I LOVE your fantasy world! In my fantasy world, school WOULD be a place to go to and make friends and talk! Would you mind if I quoted that from you and shared it with others? I wouldn't have to use your full name. I could just use your first name and grade. Gee, what grade are you now?
    Amy Shepard

    1. Thank you for enjoying my world! I also would LOVE if you shared the idea with others. Oh! I'm in 5th grade now.
